It was when his fiancé died from alcohol poisoning and he was at his rock bottom that he finally sought this God that he had heard was real and loved him. He graduated from a program called Life Recovery Ministries and there he met with God in a very tangible way. His life has never been the same.
Teresa grew up with parents who were missionaries and pastors. She had very difficult things happen in her life that caused her to hate people and be mad at God. Off and on she would seek God, but not fully until her encounter with Him on January 13, 1997. Through inner healing by various people and allowing God to have access to her heart she was able to find healing, forgiveness and live again. Instead of hate in her heart, she now has an abundance of love. She gives her life away to others so that they can find the life that she has come to know and love.
Robert and Teresa Schooley came from very different upbringings, but have had life changing experiences that brought them to the knowledge of God in a real way. They married in November 2016 and serve together in whatever God leads them to do. Their heart and passion is to be Jesus to the one in front of them. No matter where they are they are open to reaching those who are homeless, hurting or simply needing a listening ear. It is their desire to see people come to the knowledge of their God who loves and forgives.

Robert & Teresa
fred & susan

This loving God knew the changes that had to be made to our lives before we could be ready to really serve others. And then fresh vision started to come, not the vision that Fred had when he first came to Chico, but a new vision that came from Father God’s heart. Church of the Homeless Jesus came from a picture the Lord showed Fred while he was praying one morning, a pop-up tent, a piece of canvas, red letters, and a camp stove with a few people serving fried egg sandwiches. It was morning in the park, and what he heard God ask him to do was to lay down his dream of starting a church “as usual”, to lay down being a full-time Pastor, and to serve those who would never have a means of giving back. To do this he would have to continue working to support his family while serving those who needed the words of Jesus the most, those who were hurting, broken and pushed aside by society. Frankly it took months to work through the fear of getting started, but finally a walk through the 20th Street Community Park in July 2016 was the breakthrough moment.
Fred served as Associate Pastor at Living Rock Foursquare Church in Anacortes, Wadhington, for 14 years while maintaining full time employment, he was Ordained in the Foursquare Church in 2012.
Susan is an accountant working for a local company in Chico. Before moving here she owned and operated her own bookkeeping service for 20 years.
brandon & brie
This meant I was in three different 2nd grade classes, and 3 different 5th grade classes in two different states. It created hardship on myself, but more on my sister. I did not like the feeling of not belonging or being new. It created insecurity in my life possibly to the point of not wanting to move.
As a child and young adult I became an over-achiever. I was in college at 16, a junior in college by 18, and solidified in my career by 22. I was driven; but this was mostly due to my insecurity of being liked, wanted, and needed. I desired validation that I was good enough, and success was a measure. I have since realized that Jesus is the only person who's judgement matters, and He loves me unconditionally. He loves me for who I am, where I have been, and the man and father I want to be. This is the true definition of Grace!
As an adult, I have battled with many demons, the main one alcohol. Both of my parents were alcoholics and their lives were tragically cut short at 47 and 58 due to alcohol related illnesses. I vowed to not be like them because I despised them, but I found myself in the same predicament. I didn’t start drinking until I was 21, but my addiction surfaced very quickly. I managed to drive myself deep into the ground with 2 DUIs and going through 3 in-patient rehabs. I can sum it up as this – Jesus has a plan for me, and that is to have walked in the shoes of people that I will be able to minister to. I have seen my bottom, and I don’t want to see it again. I am thankful for Jesus putting Fred and Susan in my life and my opportunity to make a difference in someone else’s life.
My name is BrieAnna but I mostly go by Brie. I recently turned 12 on Feb 28th and I am in the 6th grade. I love to play softball and I like to travel on trips with my daddy. My mommy and daddy tell me that I am an “old soul” and that I always put people before me. I don’t think of it like that and I only think of it that I like to see people smile. My daddy reminds me that all of my needs are met, and that all I have is wants – like I want new shoes, but I don’t need them because I have shoes. I wish I could help everyone have shoes and clothes and a place to live. I am really happy to be able to help people know they can have a warm breakfast each week that I cook on Saturday in the park.